Results for 'E. Burke Rochford'

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  1. Pre-Revolutionary Writings.E. Burke & I. Harris - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (3):604-604.
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  2. The Philosophy of Popper.T. E. Burke - 1985 - Mind 94 (373):167-168.
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    The Eternal Thou.T. E. Burke - 1979 - Philosophy 54 (207):71 - 85.
    ‘Every particular Thou is a glimpse through to the eternal Thou; by means of every particular Thou the primary word addresses the eternal Thou … the Thou that by its nature cannot become It.’.
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    Criteria of Truth.T. E. Burke - 1970 - Philosophy 45 (172):154 - 155.
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    The Philosophy of Popper.T. E. Burke - 1983 - Manchester University Press.
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    Group-size preference during circadian hiding in nymph and adult female German cockroaches.Richard E. Baker, Ronald Burke & Michael H. Figler - 1980 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 15 (4):248-250.
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  7. A sociological approach to self and identity.Jan E. Stets & Peter J. Burke - 2003 - In Mark R. Leary & June Price Tangney, Handbook of Self and Identity. Guilford Press. pp. 128--152.
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    Testing a Social Network Intervention Using Vlogs to Promote Physical Activity Among Adolescents: A Randomized Controlled Trial.Thabo J. Van Woudenberg, Kirsten E. Bevelander, William J. Burk, Crystal R. Smit, Laura Buijs & Moniek Buijzen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  9. Ethical Leadership as a Balance Between Opposing Neural Networks.Kylie C. Rochford, Anthony I. Jack, Richard E. Boyatzis & Shannon E. French - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 144 (4):755-770.
    In this article, we explore the implications of opposing domains theory for developing ethical leaders. Opposing domains theory highlights a neurological tension between analytic reasoning and socioemotional reasoning. Specifically, when we engage in analytic reasoning, we suppress our ability to engage in socioemotional reasoning and vice versa. In this article, we bring together the domains of neuroscience, psychology, and ethics, to inform our theorizing around ethical leadership. We propose that a key issue for ethical leadership is achieving a healthy balance (...)
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    Postdoctoral scholars in a faculty of education: Navigating liminal spaces and marginal identities.Lydia E. Carol-Ann Burke, Jennifer Hall, Wilson A. de Paiva, Angela Alberga, Guanglun M. Mu, Jeanna P. Leigh & Monica S. Vazquez - 2017 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 18 (4):329-348.
    The last decade has seen a slow but steady increase in the number of postdoctoral scholars employed in faculties of education. In this article, seven postdoctoral scholars who worked in the same Ca...
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    Antagonistic neural networks underlying differentiated leadership roles.Richard E. Boyatzis, Kylie Rochford & Anthony I. Jack - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    The role of the positive emotional attractor in vision and shared vision: toward effective leadership, relationships, and engagement.Richard E. Boyatzis, Kylie Rochford & Scott N. Taylor - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Orphan selenoproteins.Raymond F. Burk & Kristina E. Hill - 1999 - Bioessays 21 (3):231-237.
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    Essays on Wittgenstein in honour.T. E. Burke - 1979 - Philosophical Books 20 (1):29-30.
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  15. Mary ward 1585-1645:'half women are not for these times'.Christine E. Burke - 2011 - The Australasian Catholic Record 88 (4):412.
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    Philosophy and the Christian Faith.T. E. Burke - 1990 - Philosophical Books 31 (2):124-125.
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    Can philosophy be original?T. E. Burke - 1974 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 17 (1-4):193 – 211.
    To what extent does the fact that a philosopher, in order to communicate, is constrained to use the same language and the same concepts as other members of his society, inhibit him from developing genuinely original modes of thought? Section I of this paper outlines arguments for the view that any attempt at radical originality, of the kinds traditionally expected of philosophy, must involve misuse of these shared concepts. Section II, however, on the basis of an examination of what it (...)
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    Religious life: its implications for today [].Christine E. Burke - 2002 - The Australasian Catholic Record 79 (1):57.
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    “Command” as functional concept rather than cellular label.R. E. Burke - 1978 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 1 (1):15-16.
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    Objectivity, Empiricism and Truth.T. E. Burke - 1987 - Philosophical Books 28 (4):216-217.
  21. Selected Writings and Speeches.E. BURKE - 1963
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  22. Inspired and Effective: The Role of the Ideal Self in Employee Engagement, Well-Being, and Positive Organizational Behaviors.Hector A. Martinez, Kylie Rochford, Richard E. Boyatzis & Sofia Rodriguez-Chaves - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study explores the efficacy of a specific tool – the articulation of the ideal self – in job engagement, psychological well-being, and organizational citizenship behavior. We hypothesized that employees who can visualize their jobs as part of their ideal self – in particular how it helps in its development and realization – would feel higher levels of engagement and fulfillment in their lives, as well as engage in greater amounts of helping and voice OCB. A total of 239 full (...)
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    The limits of relativism.T. E. Burke - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (116):193-207.
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    The Philosophy of Religion: 1875–1980.T. E. Burke - 1989 - Philosophical Books 30 (1):63-64.
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  25. Wittgenstein's conservatism'.E. Burke - 1974 - Radical Philosophy 10:27.
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    Identity Theory.Peter J. Burke & Jan E. Stets - 2009 - Oxford University Press USA.
    The concept of identity has become widespread within the social and behavioral sciences in recent years, cutting across disciplines from psychiatry and psychology to political science and sociology. All individuals claim particular identities given their roles in society, groups they belong to, and characteristics that describe themselves. Introduced almost 30 years ago, identity theory is a social psychological theory that attempts to understand identities, their sources in interaction and society, their processes of operation, and their consequences for interaction and society (...)
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  27. Methods of enquiry.T. E. Burke - 1964 - Mind 73 (292):538-549.
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    Talking with Lorraine’s Mother and Sister, Five Months after Her Death.E. M. Robinson, G. Good & S. Burke - 2006 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 17 (1):94-96.
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    Sensing the Present: “Conceptual Art of the Senses”.Rachel E. Burke & Mieke Bal - 2017 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 7 (7):27-54.
    After Rachel E. Burke briefly introduces the essays presented with a focus on our contemporary relationship to modern subjectivity, Mieke Bal will make the case for the sense of presentness on an affective and sensuous level in Munch’s paintings and Flaubert’s writing by selecting a few topics and cases from the book Emma and Edvard Looking Sideways: Loneliness and the Cinematic, published by the Munch Museum in conjunction with the exhibition Emma & Edvard. It is this foregrounded presentness that (...)
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  30. Identity Theory and Social Identity Theory.Jan E. Stets & Peter J. Burke - 2000 - Social Psychology Quarterly 63 (3):224-237.
    In social psychology, we need to establish a general theory of the self, which can attend to both macro and micro processes, and which avoids the redundancies of separate theories on different aspects of the self. For this purpose, we present core components of identity theory and social identity theory and argue that although differences exist between the two theories, they are more differences in emphasis than in kind, and that linking the two theories can establish a more fully integrated (...)
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    Wilhelm Dilthey: Pioneer of the Human Studies By H. P. Rickman London: Paul Elek, 1979, viii + 197 pp., £7.95. [REVIEW]T. E. Burke - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (213):420-.
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    European Reference Index for the Humanities.Warren Breckman, Martin J. Burke, Anthony Grafton & Ann E. Moyer - 2009 - Journal of the History of Ideas 70 (2):349-349.
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    Buber on I—Thou and religious belief.T. E. Burke - 1980 - Sophia 19 (3):45-55.
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    The grammar of justification.T. E. Burke - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (1):42-43.
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    Whitehead's Organic Philosophy of Science.T. E. Burke - 1981 - Philosophical Books 22 (2):123-126.
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  36. Hughes, GH-The Nature of God.T. E. Burke - 1998 - Philosophical Books 39:75-75.
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    (1 other version)In Pursuit of Truth.T. E. Burke - 1984 - Philosophical Books 25 (3):167-169.
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    No title available: Religious studies.T. E. Burke - 1975 - Religious Studies 11 (3):352-354.
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  39. The justification of belief.T. E. Burke - 1994 - Wittgenstein-Studien 1 (1).
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    The path is made by walking: ministry formation at this time of change.Christine E. Burke - 2001 - The Australasian Catholic Record 78 (1):93.
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    (1 other version)El cientifico espanol ante su historia: La ciencia en Espana entre 1750-1850 by Santiago Garma. [REVIEW]Michael E. Burke - 1983 - Isis 74 (1):136-137.
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    No Title available: New Books. [REVIEW]T. E. Burke - 1980 - Philosophy 55 (213):420-421.
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    Wittgenstein and Religion.T. E. Burke - 1995 - Philosophical Books 36 (1):72-74.
  44.  48
    Notes and Correspondence.George Sarton, W. Burke-Gaffney, M. Nierenstein, Henry E. Sigerist, R. J. Forbes & F. S. Marvin - 1938 - Isis 28 (2):461-466.
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    A World of Propensities.T. E. Burke - 1991 - Cogito 5 (3):179-180.
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    Functional partitioning of motor unit populations.R. E. Burke - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (4):648-649.
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    Modern Biology and Natural Theology.T. E. Burke - 1992 - Philosophical Books 33 (3):183-185.
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    Theological Originality.T. E. Burke - 1976 - Religious Studies 12 (1):1 - 20.
    In contemporary discussion of the philosophy of religion, or for that matter of any branch of philosophy, the names of Whitehead and Wittgenstein are not often linked. Whitehead's later work is, for the most part, treated as a rather specialized interest, an attractively under-cultivated field for the enterprising thesis-writer perhaps, but well away from the main centres of current philosophical activity. And what he has to say about specifically religious or theological issues 1 becomes simply one ramification of an ingenious (...)
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    Understanding Wittgenstein.T. E. Burke - 1975 - Philosophical Books 16 (2):32-33.
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    Thalamic amnesia and the hippocampus: Unresolved questions and an alternative candidate.Robert G. Mair, Joshua A. Burk, M. Christine Porter & Jessica E. Ley - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (3):458-459.
    Aggleton & Brown have built a convincing case that hippocampus-related circuits may be involved in thalamic amnesia. It remains to be established, however, that their model represents a distinct neurological system, that the distinction between recall and familiarity captures the roles of these pathways in episodic memory, or that there are no other systems that contribute to the signs of amnesia associated with thalamic disease.
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